The Q Cafe Company Launches New Compostable Cup!
Compostable Cup
Today we officially launched our new compostable coffee cup in association with our client Dublin Port Company. This week is their Environmental Health and Safety Week. Therefore what better time to combine our dual interest in marine and coastal conservation? Together we are working towards reducing the vast amounts of plastic and microplastic entering the ocean every second!
This year, we have made a significant investment in our new Sustainability Programme. Using a strategic approach to we have identified key ways to manage change in our operations. This began in April 2018 with a ban of all plastic straws via our suppliers and a drastic phasing our of all plastic food holders. We engaged the services of Alltype Print and Design to create a compostable cup that both reflected the importance of Earth and engaged with the consumer in a light hearted way.
Removing the traditional plastic coffee cup and plastic food packaging in favour of compostable material has been met with team and client support throughout. As a result, by the end of 2018 a staggering 1.5 million non-recyclable single use items will be diverted away from landfill!Â
Today’s compostable cup launch is a culmination of the our determination to tackle the current global crises on ocean plastic pollution.×300.jpg
Plastic Pollution Education & Our Compostable Cup Launch Guests
5th Wicklow Bray Sea Scouts
Our Sustainability Programme and compostable cup production works hand in hand with The 5th Wicklow (Bray) Sea Scouts. We regularly sponsor their excursions to learn how to stem the effect of plastic pollution on marine life.
The young 5th Wicklow Bray Sea Scouts, under Q Cafe Company Manager Anita Oman, proudly to joined us today. They provided comprehensive information to Dublin Port Company staff, and CEO Eamonn O’Reilly, on their education trips. In addition the group spoke about their weekly beach cleans in Bray. While many in Dublin Port were interested in their efforts to educate and engage their community on plastic pollution.
Clean CoastsÂ
We were proud to have the very important Clean Coasts with us today. Clean Coasts presented the Think Before You Flush Campaign to Dublin Port Company. Here they discussed the items that are often flushed down the toilet, which cause significant damage to marine life along our coasts. Many of us us are unaware of of what they call The Dirty Dozen of what not to flush down the toilet! So this was a fantastic education resource for the day.×208.jpg×200.jpg
Reality of Compostable Materials
We must consider global change in awareness and consumer behaviours in this area over the last 12 months. Demand can often outstrip supply when it comes to compostables. However, our suppliers Bunzl Irish Merchants are supporting us every step of the way with fantastic products and guaranteed industrial compostability.
Production and where we compost
Our new compostable cups are made in Ireland using vegware technology. They comply with the specifications established in the American Society for Testing and Materials standard ASTM D6400 and/or D6868, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the “Biodegradable Products Institute. Therefore the cups can be composted in industrial compost facilities.
Education schemes
We are aware that communities are facing significant challenges with the onset of new compostable packaging. Some of this packaging is being disposed of incorrectly. As a result they are now becoming a litter problem, with many community groups feeling frustration.
As a company we are wholly committed to tackling this issue amongst our customer base. We have launched a new food waste disposal education system for our customers and clients.
Amongst other elements, this shows customers how to:
- Dispose of our compostable cups correctly, i.e. in the food waste bin which is then taken for industrial composting.
- Prevent contamination of food waste bins with plastics.
- Â The importance of rinsing and drying plastic.
Additionally, we are promoting reusability in The Q Cafe Company. We have discounts on all hot drinks for people with a re-usable coffee cup, which is accredited by The Conscious Cup Campaign. We are also encouraging the importance taking 5 minutes from a busy day to sit down and have a coffee or mug of tea with us. Soup for the soul as our QWellness programme calls it.
Large step forward
Nonetheless the launch of our new compostable cups is a major step in the right direction. The production of the cups uses less energy and water. So the cups are less harmful to the environment. We feel small environmental changes can make a big impact!×998.jpg×683.jpg×644.jpg
We sincerely thank Dublin Port Company for their strong support in this area. They are a community driven organisation and like ourselves they are committed to tackling marine and coastal plastic pollution.Â