Try Rosarie’s Brown Soda Bread Recipe

by | Jul 27, 2018 | Recipe

Rosarie’s Brown Soda Bread Recipe

Try Rosarie’s Brown Soda Bread Recipe today! Rosarie is one of our much loved Chef Managers in Q Cafe Company from Wexford. No need for proving, this is a quick bread recipe. You can double or treble the recipe below to make a few loafs up on a Sunday. Freeze one or two and defrost as needed.

Bread has received a significant amount of criticism over the past number of years. However, we always say everything in balance. Rosarie’s  brown soda bread recipe is packed full of nutrients such as fibre, Vitamins B2, B3, B6, B12; and Vitamin E!

Additionally, the toppings can make or break your slice of bread. Adding butter and jam would be the equivalent of eating a slice of cake! However you can try smashed avocado (lime juice, seasoning, chilli flakes) and a poached egg; or peanut butter and sliced banana. We’ve even tried homemade hummus, cucumber slices and toasted sesame seeds. Yum!

Remember!! We are sharing a new healthy recipe every Friday for the summer as part of our QWellness programme. See more healthy recipes at the bottom of this page! 

Brown Soda Bread Ingredients

12 oz/250g wholemeal flour

2 oz/50g plain flour

2 oz/50g oats

2tsp bread soda, sieved

Pinch of salt

1 dessert spoon olive oil

18 floz/500ml buttermilk

2 eggs

Brown Soda Bread Method

Preheat oven to 170C.

Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre.

Separately, beat the eggs and oil together. Then add to the dry mix.

Add the buttermilk, mixing to make a sloppy consistency. Take care not to over-mix at this stage. You can add a little more buttermilk if the mix is dry.

Pour the mix into a greased 2lb loaf tin. Smooth the top of the bread with the back of a wet spoon. Sprinkle some oats over the top.

Bake for 1 hour. After the hour, remove from the loaf from the tin and bake for a further 15-20 minutes. Once baked, the loaf should have a hollow sound when tapping the base.

After removing from the oven wrap the loaf in a clean tea towel to keep the crust soft. Enjoy!

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