Healthy Banana and Oat Cookie Recipe!

Healthy Banana and Oat Cookie Recipe!

Healthy Banana & Oat Cookie Recipe! Looking for something else to make with the ripening bananas? Sick of banana bread? We love cookies here in The Q Cafe Company, and these little beauties are simple to make and really delicious. High in fibre, these cookies are...
Workout at Home with QWellness!

Workout at Home with QWellness!

Workout at Home with QWellness As our last instalment of free workouts (see HERE!) was so successful, we are providing you with another! For National Workplace Wellbeing Day we are again teaming up with Unit13 Fitness in Glasnevin, Dublin. The workouts should be...
Simple Chocolate Energy Balls

Simple Chocolate Energy Balls

Simple Chocolate Energy Balls Energy Balls – What Are They? A calorie is not what we are led to believe in the health industry sometimes. Actually, a calorie is a measure of energy, not a measure of how fat food may make you. Food provides us with energy and...
Free Home Workouts With QWellness

Free Home Workouts With QWellness

Try Our Three Free Home Workouts This Week! QWellness is our health and wellbeing programme, which work to promote balance and wellbeing in nutrition, exercise and mental wellbeing. As we all learn to adapt to the new government guidelines, creating simple workouts...
Are Pancakes Healthy?

Are Pancakes Healthy?

Are Pancakes Healthy? It’s our favourite time of year! Pancake Tuesday! A time for our daily food regime to consist of flour, eggs, milk and sugar, morning, noon and night. The beloved Pancake Tuesday is long held a day of feast, throwing all concerns for...

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